Breeze Medical Centre


General check up
Fasting blood sugar, Blood sugar, Cholesterol check up, Kidney check up, SGOT, SGPT, Serum Bilirubin, Complete blood count, TSH, Urine Routine
Doctor consultation

Executive check up
Complete blood count, Fasting blood sugar, Blood sugar, Cholesterol, Liver, Kidney-check up, Thyroid test, Urine Routine, Calcium, Phosphorus, E.C.G, RA Factor, ASO Test

Arthritis Check up
Complete blood count, Blood sugar, Liver, Kidney, Cholesterol checkup, Urine Routine, E.C.G, RA Factor, ASO Test
Consultation of Ortho Surgeon/Rheumatologist

Diabetic Check up
Complete blood count, Fasting blood sugar, Blood sugar, Cholesterol, Liver, Kidney-check up, HBAIC, Urine micro albumin, E.C.G
Consultation of Specialist Doctor

Our well qualified and trained staff is always here to welcome you and cater to all your needs.

you will be able to fill the necessary prescription as well as non-prescription medicines along with all medical supplements required for your needs.

First Aid Centre
Breeze medical centre is dedicated to saving lives, and helps thousands of people every year...

Lab & E.C.G
We are committed to provide utmost accurate and reliable test results and clinical reports to patients at bearable rates in hygienic conditions..

Check up for KIds
Complete blood count, Mantos 5 TU, Blood Group, Urine Routine, B.M.I
Consultation of Specialist Doctor (2 Times)

Multispeciality Clinic
We offer Neurology, Cardiology, Diabetology, Pulmonology, Ortho, Gynaecology, E.N.T etc..