Vidya Kendra School
Vidya Kendra School delivers high-quality care and education for children. Our School is situated in Kozhikode, Kerala. The school was started in 2002. We offer quality education both for boys & girls from Nursery to VIII. Vidya Kendra is a child friendly school where each child would like to return to each morning. We attract smart kids who want something different in their education.
Vidya Kendra is known for discipline, language, learning, knowledge and an all round development of children. Each child is moulded into complete human being with empathy and values ready to face the challenges and make world a better place. Indeed the three core ingredients of education at Vidya Kendra are excellent communication skills in English, student discipline, and learner-friendly pedagogy. Focusing on quality rather than quantity, the school ensures that every child receives individual attention and care in their pursuit of knowledge and skills.
Vidya Kendra School faculty is made up of passionate, skilled, motivated teachers. They believe in each student’s unique potential and are equipped with the talent, tools, skill and enthusiasm to meet the needs of multiple learning styles. At Vidya Kendra teachers take pride in providing uncommon support for every student. We believe that all people have been created in the image of God and have intrinsic worth. We honor each student’s unique learning style and act in accordance with an unshakable belief in the potential of each and every student.
To envisage education as a means of instilling life skills, by recognizing the individual, needs and creativity of the child and by empowering every student with social competencies and true positive values towards self, family, country and the world.
To develop learners with inquisitive and creative minds, with a sense of understanding and compassion for the fellow being and the courage to act on their beliefs so that their vision widens as the global citizens of the future.